
Hello world

I’m having my first go at blogging (yes, I am probably too late to the game, but I always wanted to try it and better later than never, amirite?)

So hi there, person on the internet that somehow found my blog (legit, hello, hi, I swear I am still this awkward in real life), I am thankful that you took some time out of your day to spend some time to read these words in this tiny corner of the internet-verse.

I will try to introduce myself with currently what I think is the three most ‘me’ things (aka what I identify as me in this current moment).

  1. I am an introvert – in all the wonderful and awkward ways. It actually took me a while to learn this about myself, but after learning and accepting that I am an introvert, holy moly, it kind of changed my life forever( but I will definitely blog about personalities in another post, when I have the time and space to talk about it all).
  2. I really like (being) a contradiction – this one is kind of hard to explain but I think it happens probably because I am too volatile on the surface but have a constant underlying stream of stability deep within me? Will explore this further.
  3. I really love learning – in both the nerdy and non-nerdy kind of ways (question – is it nerdy for me to say that there is non-nerdy learnings? heheh). I always enjoy an intellectual challenge (the intellectual part I always enjoyed but the challenge part was something that I developed as I used to shy away at challenges). But yeah, I love first knowing what I don’t know, then slowly turning that unknown into a amorphous knowing (present tense as I don’t think I will ultimately know enough to turn it into a known). Also I like to pick up things (pottery, zelda, origami, books about the physics of time etc) for like one month to a few years. Also, books bring me so much joy.

Well, I hope that was enough information for you to get some sense of how I see myself. I really enjoyed writing it.

Until next time. H.